Recovering well.

14 10 2012

Well, the lap was Wednesday and I was back to walking in the morning and at work on Thursday.  Haven’t needed pain meds, though I haven’t gotten back to training jiu jitsu yet or doing any serious workouts (just the morning walks so far.)

However, I feel bloated as heck, probably because I’m doing this comfort-eating thing which is gluten-FULL.  Why?  Because my husband’s company is rumored to announce a 30% layoff in the next week or so.  I’m freaking out.  HE’S freaking out.  He’s annoyed that I’m still acting as if we’ll move forwards into the next ER cycle as planned– but I feel like I have to give the universe the benefit of the doubt.  To act as if the layoff was going to affect us for sure would be to give it more power and might make it come true.  Bahhh!

I had the follow up phone call with Dr B on Friday and it was good– he advises not changing the protocol and just giving my ovaries a minimum of 14 days on BCP before starting stims.  To accommodate our Thanksgiving plans, I’ll be on BCP a little longer, but at the moment we hope (I hope) to be going to NY for ER around 11/25, ER to happen around 11/28.

I’m scared and sad.  My husband was NOT a fan of becoming a new parent this late in life, though he was nominally willing.  (He’s not the driving force behind this– I am.)  But the threat to our financial stability is really knocking him for a loop (makes sense after his nearly-a-year layoff two years ago) and he’s REALLY backing off his willingness to proceed.

Please, please– say a prayer or send good wishes that he is not laid off.  Or that if he is, he gets hired by another company in Austin right away.  And above all that he maintains his willingness to go to NY and go through this next ER at the end of November.

Because otherwise I might have to knock his a$$ out with a frypan to the head and drag him on the plane unconscious.



4 responses

14 10 2012

I will definitely say a prayer for both of you. Is there any way he could start applying elsewhere NOW, before the “rush?”…. and just in case…. he could always decline a position/interview if he’s not laid off… and who knows, even if he’s not laid off, he might like the other job better. 🙂

16 10 2012

He’s getting his resume in to a friendly contact on Wednesday 🙂 AND… last night he decided it was a good idea to go forward with the November ER after all. Such a relief. I appreciate your kind thoughts 🙂

15 10 2012

Will say a prayer for the two of you. 🙂

16 10 2012

Thank you beautiful mama! 🙂

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